Our 8 Week Acting Course

Where Young Imaginations Take Center Stage

Current Course Offerings:

Fall Session: Registration is now closed.

Discover Drama  Perform

Welcome to our exciting 8-week acting course! This course is designed to introduce young actors to the fundamentals of drama and guide them through an engaging journey from initial icebreakers to a full-scale performance.

Weeks 1-8

Week 1: Introduction to Drama

Kick off with icebreaker games, a tour of our space, and a collaborative scenario-building exercise. Get to know fellow actors while exploring the basics of creating a play.

Week 2: Character Building

Dive into improvisation exercises and character profiles. Students will develop unique voices and personalities for their characters.

Week 3: Movement and Blocking

Learn basic stage directions and start to block scenes. Understand the importance of movement and how it shapes a performance.

Week 4: Voice and Diction

Strengthen vocal presence with warm-ups and projection exercises. Rehearse scenes with a focus on clarity and expression.

Weeks 5-6: Rehearsals

Begin each session with brief acting exercises to warm up, then dive into rehearsals. These weeks are dedicated to refining scenes and building ensemble chemistry.

Week 7: Dress Rehearsals

Experience the thrill of full dress rehearsals. Students run through their plays to prepare for the final showcase.

Week 8: Performance Day

It's showtime! Students are called at 5:00 PM for a final run-through before the performance begins at 5:30 PM. Invite friends and family to see your hard work and celebrate your achievements.